
Pelvic Floor Rehabilitation at St. Charles helps patients suffering with urinary and bowel incontinence, pain in the pelvic area and pelvic floor prolapse.

How can this service help me?

  • Improve bladder and bowel control
  • Decrease muscle pain in the pelvis
  • Improve pelvic floor prolapse
  • Eliminate straining to empty the bladder or bowel due to muscle tension
  • Decrease pain and improve strength and function during and after pregnancy
  • Improve symptoms of pelvic pain with intercourse and/or pelvic examinations
  • Improve diastasis rectus abdominus (midline abdominal muscle separation)
  • Reduce pain and improve abdominal tissue mobility following abdominal surgeries
  • Improve tailbone pain
  • Support post-radiation to the pelvis, particularly for women

Pelvic physical therapy has been shown to improve stress urinary incontinence in 97% of cases and cure it in 73% of cases.

What can I expect?

Patients are seen in a comfortable, private treatment room. You can expect a physical assessment which includes an internal exam, muscular retraining, education and a progressive exercise program. Physical therapists treat most patients once a week for 6-8 weeks, depending on the specific condition.

How do I get started?

Talk to your physician about a referral to the St. Charles Outpatient Rehabilitation Center for pelvic floor physical therapy.